Polyurethane condom manufacturer
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Condom Manufacturing

» Condom Manufacturing

What is a silicone condom?

What is a silicone condom?

Silicone is a material which is thicker than latex, stronger, and holds a better form than latex or any other current condom material. But just because it’s thicker doesn’t mean it will buffer sensation. These condoms are designed to be provide stimulation from the inside instead of from the outside in, pleasing both parties. As of right now, there are no silicone condoms on the market, but these silicone Origami condoms are due to be released soon.

Not enough options? You’re in luck. Condom manufacturers reinvent the condoms all the time, and folks from all over the world have come up with designs that incorporate all kinds of new materials. Silicone condoms suppliers. Email: [email protected]

Condom Manufacturing, Condom News, NEW CONDOM, non latex condom ,

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